Useful links

You can get reliable health information from

Trusted health professionals include: 

  • Your GP (general practitioner) 
  • Nurses (at your GP practice or the hospital 
  • Doctors in hospitals 
  • Specialist doctors 
  • Pharmacists 
  • Registered allied health professionals (you can look up professionals here, or if they are not there, they may be registered by another professional organisation, such as speech pathologists and dietitians)  

More information

ServicePhone number
Health Emergency
To call an ambulance

North Coast Health Connect

Find out the most suitable care for your needs and book in to see local services. Staffed by registered nurses

1800 198 888 or
Chat online (Free!)

Health Direct

An Australian Government website with reliable health information. Look up medicines, check your symptoms and find your closest health service. Staffed by registered nurses

24-hour helpline
1800 022 222 (Free!)

Poisons Information hotline 

Advice on poisoning, chemicals, bites, stings.

13 11 26


consumer medicines information line

1300 633 424

NPS MedicineWise 

Look up reliable information about medicines, print your current medicine list, or download an app to help keep track of medications.


Connect to wellbeing

connects community members to the right mental health support and information. They can organise free in-person or over the phone counselling, as well as provide up-to-date information and resources for those requiring support.

1300 160 339

NSW Health 24hr Mental Health Line

Offers professional help and advice and referral to local mental health services

1800 011 511


24-hour mental health crisis support.

13 11 14

Beyond Blue

Talk to a counsellor

1300 224 636

Kids Helpline

For kids, teens and young adults who want advice on anything they are struggling with

1800 551 800

Pregnancy, birth and baby

Advice and support for parents and families

See here for more advice lines for expecting or new parents

1800 882 436

Australian Breastfeeding Association helpline

Advice and support on breastfeeding

1800 686 268

NSW Mothersafe

MotherSafe is a free telephone service for the women of NSW. They can answer questions about exposures to medications, drugs, chemicals and radiation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

1800 647 848

My Aged Care

The first point of access for most Aged Care Services in your area. 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm Saturday

1800 200 422

Get healthy NSW coaching service

Free support and coaching to reach your health goals

1300 806 258

Choosing Wisely

Look up tests, treatments and procedures and read about the benefits and harms of each.


Better health channel 

A Victorian Government website with reliable information about health conditions and treatments and healthy living advice.


It is always best to talk to your health professionals about what you find online. Looking for information on the internet can help you form questions.

How to find good health information online – YouTube

Ways to check if online information is reliable

  1. Is it clear who wrote the material?
  2. Look for information from a reliable organisation (government health departments, trusted organisations like Cancer Council, Diabetes Australia or Heart Foundation).
  3. Is the site trying to sell you something?
  4. Information may be biased if the site is trying to get you to buy a product or service.
  5. Is the site Australian?
  6. Some information from overseas may not be relevant to our health system.
  7. Is the information up to date?

More info

This page is to support people who are doing Cardiac Rehabilitation. This is a program to help people recover and improve their heart health. The…

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Many visitors to our beautiful North Coast don’t realise the dangers of sun and heat exposure. Here are some simple things you can do to…

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If you are as healthy as possible you will do better from your surgery and have an easier recovery. Some health conditions can cause your…

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JargonPlain Language
Pre-opBefore surgery
ECGElectrical picture of your heart
PRNWhen needed
SupineOn back
Discharge planningMaking a plan to get out of hospital
FastDo not eat during this time
SatsOxygen in blood
PathologySomething is not working right
Verbal comprehensionUnderstanding what other people are saying
FebrileHigh temperature
GaitWalking pattern
BilateralBoth sides
AbstainDon’t do
UF goalHow much fluid we want to take off
Primary health assessmentHealth check with GP
ProphylacticTo prevent
QID4 times a day
PivotChanging from an old strategy
AF(atrial fibrillation) Heart flutter/irregular heart rate
Nil by mouthNothing to eat or drink
Upper limbsArms
DyspnoeaShortness of breath
AnalgesiaPain relief

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